Battle Realms follows the basic formula for many real-time strategy games. All of its factions have similar buildings with similar uses and workers. However, unlike in most real-time strategy games, the peasant worker unit is not just used for resource gathering and construction, but also for training into military units. Thus, military buildings in Battle Realms are not used for making units, but for transforming and upgrading them. Peasants gather the two resources in the game: rice and water. They also round up horses, which can be used to enhance military units in the game and can be outfitted as pack horses for peasants. Only one type of builder unit is required.
Peasants are the only units the player can produce outright. Most of the buildings available are training structures where peasants are trained into numerous other units. All the factions start off with 3 basic central training structures, which produce units along different paths of warfare, such as melee or ranged combat. In most cases, units can be trained at up to 3 structures to produce higher tiers of infantry.
Another difference in unit generation is that peasants are produced automatically, at no cost. However, the rate at which new peasants are produced is inversely proportional to the current population of the player's army.
Certain buildings can teach special techniques, or Battle Gears (commonly abbreviated to BGs), to units to improve their combat ability for a certain resource cost. This can allow units to defeat higher tier units they would normally struggle with or be defeated by. BGs also allow the player to further define the role a unit will play in a combat situation, such as damage absorption, building destruction, or reconnaissance.
One of the key elements of Battle Realms is the Yin/Yang system. Each army obtains points of Yin or Yang when in combat, depending on their moral alliance to the forces of light or darkness. The Battle Realms hero units, or Zen Masters, require Yin/Yang to be summoned and to improve their damage. Yin and Yang are also used at structures in the faction's base for military upgrades. The rate of Yin/Yang growth depends on the military strength and flair of the army and how far they are from the main base.
There are four available clans in Battle Realms, and each have a different philosophy towards life and combat. The Dragon clan favours honourable and valourous combat, while its offshoot, the Serpent clan, uses stealth, trickery and brutality to further its goals. The Lotus clan is an ancient group of sorcerers that delves deeply into the corrupting aspects of magic. The Wolf clan is a race of formerly enslaved miners. Their clan members live basic, healthy lives.
Unlike in most strategy games, all units in Battle Realms have a melee attack. However, missile units typically have drastically weaker melee attacks. Units are very detailed and have distinct fighting animations. Units can dodge projectiles if they run fast enough, and projectiles have different speeds and fire at certain angles.
A unit's attack has a property - either cutting, piercing, blunt, explosive, magic, or fire, as well as a bonus damage against buildings. The property of a unit's missile attack may also differ from its melee attack. Most units have resistances to particular properties, and weaknesses to others. For example, the Dragon Samurai has excellent resistance against cutting attacks, but a poor resistance to explosive and magic damage.
In singleplayer, the plot mainly revolves around Kenji, last heir to the Serpent's Throne. When he returns from exile, Kenji comes across bandits raiding a peasant village. He can choose to either kill the bandits and save the peasants, or, he can side with the bandits and kill the peasants. If he chooses to save the peasants, he will follow the path of the Dragon clan. If he aids the bandits, he will follow the path of the Serpent clan.
In Kenji's Journey, the player may choose which territories he or she wishes to attack first. Kenji returns from Malcomson. He must decide whether to rebirth the Dragon Clan and save the peasants honor with righteousness or take up reigns in his brother and his father, Lord Oja's footsteps and lead the Serpent Clan. Taking specific territories might give benefits, and other Zen Masters may join Kenji. Later on, the player can summon these Zen Masters from the Keep. The Story focuses on an artifact Called Tarrant's Orb/Orb of the Serpent which Kenji and the NPC Clans, The Wolf and Lotus Clans are seeking out. Kenji must get it before them.
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56 komentar:
Numpang sedot gan.. :)
Pasang Iklan Baris Gratis Tanpa Harus Registrasi | Hanya di Basis Iklan | Buruan Gan
I Like this game...
keren sob,,kalo ada di share yang naruto shippuden ultimate ninja 3 ya sob,,(cuma request)tp kalo ga da jga gag papa..
Ada battle realme yang winter of the wolf ga sob?
sp mantab!! ane dah punya nih,, game mantab !!!
ijin downcrott..mengenang masa lalu sob..
keren nih gamenya...
asik nih... kalo battle kayak gini ane mau, tapi space-ny gede amat y sob? hiks...
salam blogger
Follow sukses #119..
Thank ya...
Sering2 mampir ya ..
AVITEC(Anti Virus Anak Bangsa Baru yang ampuh)
Sosial Network Asli buatan Indonesia
Autolike Facebook 2012 Always Update
hadir di sini sobat....
nice blog
mampir lagi di sini sob... ;)
salam blogger n happy blogging^^
boleh tuh download game nya
HEHEHE.....asik juga ya main beatle gitu,,,sip bang :)
salm hangat ya
asik nih bang gamenya/.... saya ijin main nih...
semangt kalau saya main di rumah abang :)
Ijin Download Sob.
Game ya Asyik.
gamenya seru nih,,, tapi ane ga mahir sob :)
Wah seru tuh sob. sayang gede banget kapasitasnya. jadi lama nanti downloadnya. hehe'
Salam dari SR11. :)
woowww, verry nice blog, and just to say you happy blogging :)
Nice game..
what a wonderful morning here in your blog.. support is always here..see and visit mine
love this site
thank you so much for helping me find this game, nice work!
kok waktu gw buka 4shared nya ada tulisan link sudah tidak berlaku ya? mohon bantuan nya .
saya buka & download masih bisa lo sob.....coba lagi....!!!
i hope this will work, thanks in advance.. currently downloading.. i really love this game.. thanks
lagi coba download nih bisa ga ya
Gan numpang nanya.. Koq setelah saya extract pas ♍à ΰ maen eh tiba2 disuru " insert cd " knp tuh gan? Tlg bantu gan ♥.♥·♡ τнäηκ чöü ♥·♡.♥
asyik game RTS lagi nih,,
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mohon bantuan kakak2 sekalian
email me AT
does this game work? i am downloading it right now
and do you need to extract it?
Aku yg punya BLOG ini!!!! ,tolong kuburkan aku di rumahmu
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mau dolot game battle realms gimana nih,gw gk tau yg mana yg mau di donlot....plssss kasi tau dunk yg mana yg bisa di donlot.....
gan linknya perbaiki dong
is it really works?
izin sedot, and kunjugi blogku ya,..
gimana cara downloadnya gan.. ?
Game yang dahsyat...sayangnya klo spek kompi rendah, jadi ga seru..
Gamenya maskulin banget ya...
Jadi pengen maen
download free game here
hey my name is akrab battle relams was the number one in gaming field i like it too much
terimakasih infonya
The game is awesome and running well thanks :)
broken link sir where i can download battle realms can you update the link
Games Makes Life
Thanks brother for giving a nice game
link udh rusak gan
nice blog
artikel yang saya baca ini sangan membantu buat saya juga menambah masukan.
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Thanks your game is 100 percent working
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